Charting Unfamiliar Waters as a Female CEO

Entrepreneurship is a journey that has its fair share of ups and downs. I've always believed that the entrepreneurship journey is a rollercoaster, but only recently did I realize the depth and intensity of the associated emotions. But when you're a woman, particularly a woman of color, everything can feel a bit more intensified, given society's expectations, personal ambitions, and the crazy standards we set for ourselves.

The Waning Excitement

There was a time when every little detail about my business excited me. Every email, sale, and challenge was met with energy and enthusiasm. However, recently, that spark seemed to dim. Waking up felt heavier, and the passion I once had for my business appeared to wane. This led me to ponder: Is it just the ebb and flow of business, or has something shifted fundamentally? What has changed that causes me to dread Monday every week? Trying to uncover the root of this fleeting excitement has interrupted my sleep many nights.

Balancing Responsibility and Representation

Every leader wants to meet and exceed expectations, both their own and those of others. But as a woman of color, it feels like there's a heightened sense of duty. There's the inherent commitment to the team and clients, but there's also a subtle, unspoken duty to represent and uplift one's community. Each challenge can feel like a test not just of business acumen but of one's capacity to be a role model because, to be honest, we need to see more women like us.

Choosing Between Persistence and a New Path

Amidst these feelings, I can’t lie; I've contemplated whether it might be time to recalibrate or step away completely. But then what? The idea of societal judgments and internalized expectations can make such decisions almost impossible. However, it's crucial to understand that sometimes taking a step back or choosing a new direction isn't a sign of weakness but wisdom.

Solitude in Leadership

Entrepreneurship can be isolating. For women of color, this isolation isn't just about being in the minority but also about the occasional lack of relatable voices and stories. The feeling of being in a vast room filled with people, yet feeling profoundly alone, is something I struggle with regularly.

Journeying through the business realm, I've constantly balanced on a tightrope. On one side lay my culture's cherished traditions and values, and on the other, the demands of a modern, competitive business landscape.

Crafting My Path Amidst the Challenges

Despite the rollercoaster of emotions and challenges, I've found strength in solidarity. Joining networks of female entrepreneurs, especially those dedicated to women of color, has been my lifeline. Their shared experiences, words of wisdom, and simple acts of understanding have aided in slowly reigniting my passion.

To every woman of color on this entrepreneurial path: Remember, your journey is unique, challenging, and immensely powerful. Everything you have to offer; your talents, voice, and perspective- are immensely needed. It's okay to seek support, feel lost, or even question your path. Remember, in the overlaps of our multiple identities, we find our most authentic selves and, in turn, our most genuine success. So, embrace the experiences, lean on your community, and always remember – this journey isn't just about business success, but personal growth and transformation.



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