Humor: The Secret Ingredient to Building Client Trust
What I love most is I can truly use humor as a way to connect with people on a much deeper level. Of course, as an entrepreneur, building trust with clients is essential to your success. You want your clients to feel comfortable and confident that their information and their business are safe with you. I have learned that a great way to go about this is to start building trust using humor.

How to breathe life into your virtual team
While there are so many pros to this, there are also a few cons. One of which is forming a solid and unified virtual team when there is no longer a shared personal space. I have heard many times how people feel disconnected or lack a sense of belonging when it comes to their team. Amazingly enough with the right mindset and approach, it is extremely possible to create a team that is productive, efficient, and effective. Here are some tips for us women wearing the CEO hat on how to create a successful virtual team.

Throw the whole business away
Some days I have had to put in 12 to 14 hours to get things done only to sometimes ponder if the results are even worth all the effort. I have had days when I get so overwhelmed with my workload that my body freezes and I can't seem to physically get anything done. As much as I love being able to control my time and not having to answer to anyone, being the CEO is not for everybody.

Dear Black Girl CEO
How dope is it to embody so much character and brilliance while being okay with creating our own lane in life and business? As I have grown I became okay with not being pretty enough or smart enough to everyone else, but my petty is for everybody when you play on my intelligence.

Superheroes need rest too
Being a mom and a CEO definitely warrants the superhero title, if you ask me. But nothing is worse than also being the vessel that carries my own kryptonite, aka, my ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

Why is my Assertiveness too Aggressive for you?
I don't know if it is the tone of my voice or the amount of passion behind the words I speak but more often than not my assertiveness is grossly mislabeled. Because I can lead with "No" and end with "No", I have bypassed being assertive and landed right on being aggressive.