A Recipe for Chaos
Latrice Prater Latrice Prater

A Recipe for Chaos

Running a business as a woman is hard enough as it is. Add a family, ADHD, anxiety, and depression to the mix, and you've got yourself a recipe for chaos. But do people ever talk about it? Not really. It's a silent struggle that women like me face every day.

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The Burnout is real
Latrice Prater Latrice Prater

The Burnout is real

The day starts at 6:50 am and more often than not, the day ends well after midnight. While I love having the time freedom of running my own business, let's be clear my days are completely at capacity. Every day there is no shortage of client and team calls, client projects, administrative tasks for the business, and mommy, and wife duties. Running a business while supporting a family is no walk in the park, and often times women frequently experience overwhelming feelings of burnout.

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